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Best Practices

Harm Reduction recognizes that abstaining from drugs may not be realistic or desirable for everyone. Harm Reduction strategies are community based, client driven, non-judgmental, and address systems that isolate and marginalize individuals. Harm reduction approaches have proven to be effective in preventing transmission of blood borne viruses and pathogens such as HIV, Hepatitis C and B, and sexually transmitted infections.

All harm reduction programming in Ontario is guided by the Best Practice Recommendations for Canadian Harm Reduction Programs that Provide Service to People Who Use Drugs and are at Risk for HIV, HCV and Other Harms (BPRs). All harm reduction programs are encouraged to consider the BPRs when developing agency guidelines for distribution of harm reduction supplies and program policies.

Keeping Communities Safe

By distributing sterile, single-use supplies and sharing important educational resources we can help communities stay safer and healthier. If you would like more information on HIV or HCV, consider visiting the CATIE website or communicate with a harm reduction program in your area.